Tae Kwon Do and Hap Ki Do, as well as any martial art, are based on focus, discipline, and inner strength, which in turn helps to develop the overall strength and well-being of the person. Learning such a discipline decreases stress and promotes overall well being.
Many people would like to take a martial art but don’t because they believe they are too ________ (fill in the blank – old, small, heavy, damaged, weak). But taking up a martial art is just like learning any new sport or activity – you start slow, learn the basics, and build up endurance as you go. If you have a physical, mental, and/or emotional limitation, often you can learn how to work around it by taking a martial art, because so much of it is internal!*
At K.S. Lee’s Best Martial Arts of North Carolina, you aren’t forced through the curriculum like many “belt factory”-type Tae Kwon Do schools, just to be pushed through the system. Though there are guidelines provided for advancement, each student is encouraged to progress at their own pace and to set personal goals. We’ve found that setting a series of small, attainable goals is much more productive than setting long-range, hard-to-reach ones alone. Also, the environment is open, interactive and friendly, so students work together and help each other, and senior students and instructors are always available and willing to help.
Our school has a diverse schedule that allows you to choose the type of class you’d like to attend, at a time that is convenient to you. There are belt level-specific classes, activity-specific classes (such as sparring), as well as age-specific classes, so those without children may choose to attend the classes that require older students, or those who are attending with their children may take class together. This diversity is to optimize your personal experience while attending our school.
Finally, community involvement is very important to Grandmaster Lee, who encourages the same from all of his students. The school is often involved in charity-focused fundraising events and demonstrations to benefit various organizations throughout the area.
Overall, Grandmaster Lee’s philosophy is to build the whole person, not just physically train someone in a sport. The result is a well-rounded, focused, productive individual, whether at the age of 4 or 64.
* As with any physical activity, if you have health limitations, you should always consult your physician prior to beginning the program.